Advanced work with joint capsules.
Michael Hahn2021-04-30T19:32:01-07:00A man in his 50's came in for a first session to help restore movement in his body that has slowly been lost over the decades. The most limiting area [...]
A man in his 50's came in for a first session to help restore movement in his body that has slowly been lost over the decades. The most limiting area [...]
Many chronic pain issues are caused by strains and adhesion's in systems that rarely get treated with hands-on therapies. The work of Visceral Manipulation addresses these systems to restore function and hep [...]
When the valve from the esophagus to the stomach becomes dysfunctional, acid from the stomach finds its way up into the esophagus. If this persists the esophagus can become damaged [...]
Our spinal cord and brain are wrapped in a strong membrane called dura mater derived from the Latin "tough mother", it is tough, inflexible and leather-like. The bones of [...]
A gentle treatment for torticollis - Bend, OR Cranial Sacral Therapy for infants and children. It is very common for a newborn to come into this world with torticollis, basically [...]
Maybe a few years or decades ago you had a fall while skiing, playing soccer or wrestling with the yard waste bin (sounds odd, it happens). The possibilities are endless, [...]
Information about the evolution of our brain... The hemispheres of what was to evolve into the human brain began to develop 250 million years ago.(1) 100 million years ago they [...]
There are many types of headaches and the causes can vary dramatically. One of the underlying components with headaches is often swelling, pressure and restrictions in a variety of tissues. [...]
Rolfing® was developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf over the course of her lifetime. Dr. Rolf studied yoga early on in her life and this helped inform how she developed [...]