The work of Visceral Manipulation reaches deep into the body to find places that are stuck and get them moving again.  Then the built-in intelligence of the body improves upon these changes to get the body working as intended.  With this work people are able to heal from past injuries, surgeries and the many things that happen to our bodies just from being alive.  This work has been developed by Jean-Pierre Barral, a French Osteopath teaching the work to practitioners around the world.

All of the tissues in the body need to move as they were designed. When there have been injuries or surgeries the tissues can get adhered to their neighbors, tight and/or devitalized.  This work shows what is stuck and then gently offers treatment to restore function and comfort.  The work of Visceral Manipulation is the most potent skill set I have added to my work over the last decade. It offers a clarity and effectiveness that I have yet to come across anywhere.  For more information about how this work fits into my practice you can click here.

Citing his development of Visceral Manipulation (VM), Jean-Pierre Barral was named one of TIME magazine’s Top Healing Innovators to watch in the new millennium.