
“Michael’s talents and work exist at the forefront of current healing modalities. His combination of extensive anatomical knowledge, intuitive insight and ability to balance the tissues and energies of the body represent a rare and highly effective therapy that has helped me and my family. I highly recommend that you experience his work. You will be greatly pleased by the permanent improvements in your health, including ones that you didn’t even imagine were possible.”

K.D.M. Medical Doctor  |  More testimonials »

About Hellerwork

Hellerwork is a series of hands-on therapy sessions developed by Joseph Heller from Ida Rolf’s work known as Rolfing®. The work combines movement re-education and dialogue to facilitate long term changes in the body and being. The goals of the work are to restore proper function to the tissues of the body, align the body in the field of gravity and help people feel a deeper sense of connection with themselves.

Seattle Hellerwork practitioner Michael Hahn has spent his career pursuing the most effective techniques to achieve the goals of Structural Integration. Structural Integration is the umbrella term used to describe the work of Rolfing®, Hellerwork and many of schools that originated from her work.

Ida Rolf was greatly influenced by osteopathic traditions and spent her career developing and fine tuning her work. Michael is deeply dedicated to understanding and effectively practicing Structural Integration. He combines many of the leading modalities in the field of manual therapy to help people heal and feel great. His experience shows that when all of the systems of the body are included in assessment and treatment the results are phenomenal. Michael seamlessly integrates osteopathic style techniques, cranial sacral therapies and the pioneering work of John Pierre Barral called Visceral Manipulation into his practice. These modalities are at the leading edge of Structural Integration.

The work creates fluid movement and flexibility throughout the body, while movement re-education helps you move efficiently, supporting the changes that take place during the sessions. Dialogue offers you an opportunity to explore attitudes and belief that may be limiting you from healing while nurturing the ones that are supportive.

Rolfing® on the Oprah Show (Hellerwork was developed out of Dr. Ida P. Rolf’s work)

Learn more about a session with Michael »

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