Many chronic pain issues are caused by strains and adhesion’s in systems that rarely get treated with hands-on therapies.  The work of Visceral Manipulation addresses these systems to restore function and hep the body to heal itself.

Visceral Manipulation treats all the tissues of the body including: nerves, arteries, bones, joints, the cranium and of course organs.  Multiple assessments guide the practitioner to the exact areas to be treated. This process alone saves time, makes sessions more efficient and takes the guess work out of where to work. Once the area to treat has been established, Functional Methods are used to treat the tissues. Functional Methods are gentle, low force interventions effective beyond expectation. A tenant of this work is to offer the least amount of force to initiate the greatest amount of positive change.

In my experience the Osteopathic work of Visceral Manipulation is a modality that is extremely effective at getting to the root of most challenging chronic pain and injury conditions. It is an effective treatment for: TMJ issues, headaches, whiplash, back pain, recovery from surgeries, head injuries and repetitive strain injuries to name a few.